Sunday, 26 May 2013
Serial key for PartitionMagic 8.01 Build 1274
Serial key for PartitionMagic 8.01 Build 1274
s/n: PM 800 EN 1-11111111
s/n: PM 800 EN 1-11111111
Serial key for Xilisoft 3GP Video Converter 5.1.19 Build 1225 Serial By ScoRPioN2
Serial key for Xilisoft 3GP Video Converter 5.1.19 Build- 1225 Serial By ScoRPioN2
1.install Xilisoft 3GP Video Converter 5.1.19 Build- 1225 2 .
Use this serial:
User Name:ScoRPioN2
License Code:DA98-F8B 5-93 B 5-8771-0478 -B 478-0875 -CCBF
1.install Xilisoft 3GP Video Converter 5.1.19 Build- 1225 2 .
Use this serial:
User Name:ScoRPioN2
License Code:DA98-F8B 5-93 B 5-8771-0478 -B 478-0875 -CCBF
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (x86x64) Include May Updates Full Activated
This is the original Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 ISO from Microsoft. Including Microsoft updates until 16.5.2013 and Internet Explorer 10.
- This release is the best you could find on the net, because Maherz made it just simple:
* NO tweaks or add-ons.
* NO additional programs and software added.
* NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
* It's the original image from Microsoft except added updates and IE10!
- System requirements:
* 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
* 2 gigabyte (GB) RAM.
* 20 GB available hard disk space.
* DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
Download x86 Bit
Download x64 Bit
Saturday, 25 May 2013
CD-ROM Cleaning Tips
If your CD drive creating problem to read CD disc, taking time to read and showing message there is no disc in the drive. These are the symptoms of dirty or weak CD-drive lens, because dirty lens can create errors in reading or writing and soon will not work at all.
Follow the given steps to care and clean a CD-Drive.
- First make sure your discs are clean, unscratched and you’re loaded it properly.
- Always use laser lens cleaner to clean drive lens.
- Insert the laser lens cleaner disc and play it for 2 to 3 min.
- Using CD drive cleaner properly clean the CD-ROM laser from dust. If your drive still creating problem then open it and clean the lens with a cotton swab.
How to clean CD/DVD with care?
You can preserve the life of CD/DVD, if you handle and clean it properly, because dirty discs can create errors in reading or writing and soon discs will not work at all.
Follow the given steps to care and clean a CD/DVD.
- Avoid to touching the writeable or data side of the CD/DVD.
- Always hold your CD/DVD by its center hole or by the outer edges.
- Keep away your discs from sunlight, heat and anything that may create scratch on the discs.
- Always clean dust with a soft cloth or with a CD/DVD cleaning kit and avoid to clean with static cloth or harsh detergents.
- Start work to clean from inside to outside in straight lines until the CD/DVD is clean.
- Store your all discs vertically position and in dust free box.
twitter account hack
Good Morning to all. previously i have posted Free Download twitter Phishing page . today in this article i am going to show you how to hack twitter account password using phishing page. i think now i am sure you know what is phishing and why it's used for . so guys now follow the given below steps for do this.
1. First of all download Twitter Phisher
2. The Download File Contains
3. Now you upload all of the files in any free webhosting website .
3. Now you upload all of the files in any free webhosting website .
4. Once you have uploaded the files in the directory and send this phisher link (Twitter.html) to your victim and make him login to his twitter account using your sent phisher.
5.When he logs in to his twitter account using phisher , all his typed twitter username or email and password in stored in "log.txt"
6. Now you open log.txt to get hacked twitter id and password
That's it . it's very simple method . now you have your victim's twitter id and password hacked
If any one don't know how it works ?
When a user type a username password in the text box , the info is sent to "login.php" which acts as a password logger and redirects the page to "Loginframe2.htm" which shows there has been a temporary error please try again in it . so when the person clicks on try again it redirects to the actual URL So that the victim does not know that yoursite is a fake site and gets his password hacked.
window 7 product key.
Find your window 7 product key follow these steps:
1):enter cd into cd-rom
2): right click on cd and then click on search option.
3):write "product" and search now
4):open product file and note now product key.
How to Remove Genuine Notification on Windows XP.s
1. Lauch Windows Task Manager.
2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
5. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6. Lauch RegEdit.
7. Browse to the following location:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8. Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9. Reboot Windows XP.
1.copy the files in "system32" that included with this file to your \windows\system32 folder.
2.Now click ---> start ----> run and type "instexnt install" .
3.From Now To Forever Your Windows Xp Copy Will Be Genuine .
4.restart your computer or add the registry file "1.reg" to your registry .
** You can use the file "Wga.exe" to clear Microsoft Notifications.
2. End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
5. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6. Lauch RegEdit.
7. Browse to the following location:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8. Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9. Reboot Windows XP.
1.copy the files in "system32" that included with this file to your \windows\system32 folder.
2.Now click ---> start ----> run and type "instexnt install" .
3.From Now To Forever Your Windows Xp Copy Will Be Genuine .
4.restart your computer or add the registry file "1.reg" to your registry .
** You can use the file "Wga.exe" to clear Microsoft Notifications.
How to Make an Auto-Hacking USB Drives
I will teach you how to make a basic Auto-Hacking USB Drive. There are probably many different variationsof this. I will be showing you the most basic.
You need two things:
1) A USB Drive devoted to this
2) The programs and files that I will show you how to make or where to get. If you have trouble making the two files that I show you how to create, they can be downloaded at the end.

OK. If you are looking for an Instructable that will teach you how to hack the Pentagon with a 2GB USB Drive, look somewhere else. This trick uses a batch file, an auto run file, and downloaded programs.

This file is the one that makes the pop-up window when you plug in the USB Drive. You can use this on any USB Drive, even if it has U3 on it.
Open Notepad (I'm using Notepad++) and type the following:
label=(Name you want the drive to have)
icon=(Icon file).ico
open=(Batch file we will make later).bat
action=(What you want the action to be)
MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TYPE THE ()'s! Where it says (autorun), replace the parentheses with brackets (the buttons to the right of the "p" key on the keyboard. USE THE BOTTOM BRACKETS, NOT THE TWISTY FRENCH BRACKETS!)
Save this file as Autorun.inf
Make sure that you save it immediately inside your USB Drive, not inside any sub-folders (My Computer, Autohax0r).
Also, I have used an icon (an .ico file), so the USB Drive will have a different picture than the boring standard picture. To get one of these, I advise going to to get an .ico file (you have to specifically download it as .ico). If you do this, save the icon in the same place as the Autorun file.

Type this into Notepad:
@echo off
title KTX
start .\Applications\FOLDER\APPLICATION.exe
start .\CommandLine\Process.exe -k TermX.exe
start .\CommandLine\Process.exe -k WinVNC.exe
goto eof
I will explain the commands used:
@echo off: Makes it so the file pops-up without showing the commands. Makes it look more professional.
title: Makes a title at the top of the batch file.
start: If you can't figure this one out, you should not be reading this Instructable.
pause: Pauses the file, waits for you to press any button.
goto: Sends the file to a different part of the script.
eof: End of file.
Also, TermX.exe is a program that my school uses to keep us out of certain websites. IT IS NOT THE FIREWALL. For info on WinVNC.exe, go to
Where it says \FOLDER\APPLICATION, you will change this in two steps.
Save this as KTX.bat, and place it in the same place (directory) as the Autorun.inf file.

Your computer might identify some as viruses, but don't worry. It only does this because some programs can find certain passwords.
Also, you might notice that I have a folder called "CommandLine." This is a VERY usefull program, and can be downloaded at There is also a hearty description at this page.
It is now time to go back to KTX.bat (by the way, remember that TermX.exe thing I mentioned? Well, KTX stands for "Kill TermX". Feel free to change the batch file name to whatever you want, just MAKE SURE TO ADJUST THE AUTORUN FILE, TOO!).
Go to the part of the Autorun file where it says "start .\Applications\FOLDER\APPLICATION.exe". You are going to change this. Also, add or subtract as many of this line as you need. If you have three programs to run, you need three lines of this code.
First, create a folder in the same place as the Autorun and KTX files, and name it Applications. Drag all the folders that contain the hacking programs into the Applications folder. You should come up with a directory like this:
"My Computer\AutoHax0r\Applications\HACKING FOLDERS HERE (with programs inside the folders)"
Also, you do not have to have the CommandLine in the KTX file.

Ok. This is the end of the tutorial. You should have the Autorun.inf file, the KTX.bat file, and some hacking files of your choice. To work the magic of the Auto-Hacking USB Drive, just unplug the dive in question and plug it back in. If it doesn't work, you did something wrong, because I told you how to do it right. Either that, or you have strange computer settings.
If you are confused as to how to make the batch file or the Autorun file, download them here.

Click here To download the two files
You need two things:
1) A USB Drive devoted to this
2) The programs and files that I will show you how to make or where to get. If you have trouble making the two files that I show you how to create, they can be downloaded at the end.
Step 1: A Brief Explanation
OK. If you are looking for an Instructable that will teach you how to hack the Pentagon with a 2GB USB Drive, look somewhere else. This trick uses a batch file, an auto run file, and downloaded programs.
Step 2: The Autorun File
So. Here we go. We will start with the Autorun file.This file is the one that makes the pop-up window when you plug in the USB Drive. You can use this on any USB Drive, even if it has U3 on it.
Open Notepad (I'm using Notepad++) and type the following:
label=(Name you want the drive to have)
icon=(Icon file).ico
open=(Batch file we will make later).bat
action=(What you want the action to be)
MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TYPE THE ()'s! Where it says (autorun), replace the parentheses with brackets (the buttons to the right of the "p" key on the keyboard. USE THE BOTTOM BRACKETS, NOT THE TWISTY FRENCH BRACKETS!)
Save this file as Autorun.inf
Make sure that you save it immediately inside your USB Drive, not inside any sub-folders (My Computer, Autohax0r).
Also, I have used an icon (an .ico file), so the USB Drive will have a different picture than the boring standard picture. To get one of these, I advise going to to get an .ico file (you have to specifically download it as .ico). If you do this, save the icon in the same place as the Autorun file.
Step 3: The Batch File
We will now make the batch file that starts all the "hacking programs." MAKE SURE YOU NAME IT THE SAME AS WHAT YOU CALLED IT IN THE AUTORUN FILE!Type this into Notepad:
@echo off
title KTX
start .\Applications\FOLDER\APPLICATION.exe
start .\CommandLine\Process.exe -k TermX.exe
start .\CommandLine\Process.exe -k WinVNC.exe
goto eof
I will explain the commands used:
@echo off: Makes it so the file pops-up without showing the commands. Makes it look more professional.
title: Makes a title at the top of the batch file.
start: If you can't figure this one out, you should not be reading this Instructable.
pause: Pauses the file, waits for you to press any button.
goto: Sends the file to a different part of the script.
eof: End of file.
Also, TermX.exe is a program that my school uses to keep us out of certain websites. IT IS NOT THE FIREWALL. For info on WinVNC.exe, go to
Where it says \FOLDER\APPLICATION, you will change this in two steps.
Save this as KTX.bat, and place it in the same place (directory) as the Autorun.inf file.
Step 4: The "Hacking" Programs
Ok. We are now going on to the actual hacking programs. Go to, and browse the programs. If you have any different websites or programs, feel free to use them. I am using SniffPass, LSASecretsView, and WirelessKeyView. Install them, and place them and the folders they create in the same directory as all the other stuff.Your computer might identify some as viruses, but don't worry. It only does this because some programs can find certain passwords.
Also, you might notice that I have a folder called "CommandLine." This is a VERY usefull program, and can be downloaded at There is also a hearty description at this page.
Step 5: Modifying KTX.bat
It is now time to go back to KTX.bat (by the way, remember that TermX.exe thing I mentioned? Well, KTX stands for "Kill TermX". Feel free to change the batch file name to whatever you want, just MAKE SURE TO ADJUST THE AUTORUN FILE, TOO!).
Go to the part of the Autorun file where it says "start .\Applications\FOLDER\APPLICATION.exe". You are going to change this. Also, add or subtract as many of this line as you need. If you have three programs to run, you need three lines of this code.
First, create a folder in the same place as the Autorun and KTX files, and name it Applications. Drag all the folders that contain the hacking programs into the Applications folder. You should come up with a directory like this:
"My Computer\AutoHax0r\Applications\HACKING FOLDERS HERE (with programs inside the folders)"
Also, you do not have to have the CommandLine in the KTX file.
Step 6: All Finished!
Ok. This is the end of the tutorial. You should have the Autorun.inf file, the KTX.bat file, and some hacking files of your choice. To work the magic of the Auto-Hacking USB Drive, just unplug the dive in question and plug it back in. If it doesn't work, you did something wrong, because I told you how to do it right. Either that, or you have strange computer settings.
If you are confused as to how to make the batch file or the Autorun file, download them here.
Click here To download the two files
Intro: Log into anyones computer from ANYWHERE- GREAT PRANK
magine how great it would be if you could log into a friends computer and leave small bread crumbs to freak them out... letting them know that someone has accessed their computer without them knowing but they will have no idea who it was! Trust me, its a lot of fun. haha
Examples of what could be done:
Examples of what could be done:
- if they are logged onto aim or any other instant messaging client with an away message up... you can change their away message to something funny for all of their friends to see."
- fill their whole desktop with blank icons."
- leave them messages in notepad documents that you have saved to their desktop."
NOTE: This might not work if they have a firewall set up. Chances are if they are connected through a hardwire, you'll be able to get it, its those damn wireless users who are safe from people like us! haha that is of course only if their wireless is secured. Most people don't secure their wireless networks so if you are in range and can connect to the persons network, you CAN do it to them. :D
Another NOTE: Do this at your own risk. I am not responsible for any problems this may cause. ( I suggest you only do it to friends or family as a prank.
Step 1: The setup
Ok so I'm assuming you want to try this out since you've decided to check out step one... :)
First what you need to do is set up the victims computer (don't worry its simple). If they are using windows XP what you need to do is go to "My Computer" (which will be in the start menu) and right click it. Select "Properties" and then select the "Remote" tab. Once you're there check the check box that says "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer". Click "Apply" then click "Ok" and you're done! Theres just one more step you've got to do and that is get the IP address... ill show you how to do that in the next step. (its easy too)
First what you need to do is set up the victims computer (don't worry its simple). If they are using windows XP what you need to do is go to "My Computer" (which will be in the start menu) and right click it. Select "Properties" and then select the "Remote" tab. Once you're there check the check box that says "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer". Click "Apply" then click "Ok" and you're done! Theres just one more step you've got to do and that is get the IP address... ill show you how to do that in the next step. (its easy too)
Step 2: Getting the IP...
Getting their IP address is easy. Just go to the start menu and select "Run". then type in "CMD" and press enter. That will open up the terminal window. Once that opens type "ipconfig /all" (just like how i put it there). That command will bring up a bunch of numbers, you only need the IP address. (example of what an IP address looks like: When you find it, write it down. You'll need it to access their computer when you get home, or wherever you're going to go to do it.
note: mine is blacked out in the screen shot because i don't want anyone knowing my IP. :D
You also need to get their username and password (if they have one)... and write it down. (make up some reason for them to give you their password but don't make it obvious that you're going to do bad things with it
note: mine is blacked out in the screen shot because i don't want anyone knowing my IP. :D
You also need to get their username and password (if they have one)... and write it down. (make up some reason for them to give you their password but don't make it obvious that you're going to do bad things with it
Step 3: Now... doing the dirty work.
Once you have their IP address and a username and password for the computer, and they're written down, you can go home (or wherever you want to do this from) and to access their computer you simply go to Start > All programs > Accessories > Communications > Remote Desktop Connection...
A window will pop up. Similar to the windows 2000 logon screen. It will ask you to enter a computer. For this you will type in the IP address for the computer you wish to access. Then click "Connect".
Then you will be asked to enter a username and password. Enter them...(the ones you got from your friends computer, not your own).
and boom! you're done!!
A window will pop up. Similar to the windows 2000 logon screen. It will ask you to enter a computer. For this you will type in the IP address for the computer you wish to access. Then click "Connect".
Then you will be asked to enter a username and password. Enter them...(the ones you got from your friends computer, not your own).
and boom! you're done!!
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