This downside is specifically featured if users create calls from Skype to mobile phones or telephone circuit numbers on PTCL network.
skype block
Skype to Skype calls work fine although
PTCL, however, is denying that it’s block something associated with Skype services.
Skype support has aforesaid that they need conjointly got various reports from Asian nation throughout past one week, suggesting that users face problems in creating Skype to phone calls.
Skype aforesaid that its developers have investigated the matter and located out that’ssue is with ISPs in Asian nation that is inflicting disruption in connecting calls from Skype to mobiles phone and landlines numbers.
Skype, in an exceedingly communication, aforesaid that Skype to phone calls area unit routed through regular phonephone numbers, and thus voice information (using G.279 audio codec) should labor under the normal PSTN (Public Switched phonephone Network). It more aforesaid that networks in Asian nation area unit presumably block voice information at PSTN level and thus this can be one thing that Skype can’t management.
It deserves mentioning here that VoIP calls area unit illegitimate and not allowed in Asian nation, however, Skype to phone calls were ne’er blocked within the country before this.
There area unit myriad users in Asian nation WHO use Skype services – and their unlimited packages – for creating International calls. tiny to medium sized decision centres and tele-coaching and coaching centres heavily admit Skype for creating calls to western countries.
Thank you Ahmad et al. for news this to North American country.
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